Last address in Lewis: 32 Back,
Son of Murdo and Maggie MacLeod, of 32, Back, Stornoway, Isle of Lewis.
Service unit: Royal Naval Reserve, HMS Zaria
Service number: 12034/DA
Date of birth: 26 October 1898
Date of death: 14 November 1918 at the age of 21
Died in RN hospital at Lyness
Interred: Lyness Royal Naval Cemetery, grave D. 49
Local memorial: Back
Murdo is shown in the 1901 census as the 2-year old son of Murdo (28) and Maggie (24) at 32 Back, together with his baby sister Murdina (6 months) and grandmother Janet Morrison (60), who originated from Skye.
Stornoway Gazette, 13 December 1918
Quite a gloom was cast over Back recently, when a wire was received to the effect that Seaman Murdo Macleod, eldest son of Mr and Mrs Murdo Macleod, 31 Back, had died in a hospital ship at Orkney of pneumonia after a short illness. "Little Murdo" as he was affectionately called, was a great favourite with everyone who knew him. He was only 20 years of age, and joined the forces about two years ago as soon as he became of military age. Being the eldest of a young family, he was a most dutiful son. After wiring that expenses would be no bar to the sending of the remains home, the Authorities replied that there was no boat available for Stornoway. It is a pity that the remains were not sent to some Scottish port, where they could conveniently be got to Kyle. The sympathy of the community goes out to both parents and other members of the community in their sorrow.
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